
We are on a mission: We want to support every company making appreciation between employees a daily routine.
This is a challenging task and requires much more than just the installation of a tool.
You will start small and hopefully grow over time. We scoped our plans to be as cost effective as possible in your current success stage.

You can try Kudozza free of cost and upgrade plans based on the acceptance of your users.
We do not charge per individual user or per kudos but per size of your whole organisation (tenant) per month, making it easy to calculate the costs.
An active user is a user who has given or received a kudos within a month.

Upgrading a plan only works from within the installed App in Microsoft Teams. Have more questions? Contact us



Figure out Kudozza. Free to use.

  • Emoji reactions
  • Digest
  • Tags
  • Badges
  • Leaderboard
  • Insights
  • 10 active users / month


49$ / month

For small organizations and those getting started

  • all from Bronze package
  • Unlimited emojis and images for tags, badges
  • Configurable administrators
  • 100 active users / month


149$ / month

For bigger teams

  • all from Silver package
  • 500 active users / month


From 249$ / month

For deeper integration and larger teams

  • all from Gold package
  • API access
  • Premium support
  • Onboarding support
  • Pay by invoice
  • Custom user limit